Bone and Joint Pains, Back Pain, Physio exercises, Vertigo Exercises
Physiotherapy Self Referral (Click here for local services)
Joint Pains
If you have back pain with any warning signs such as a sudden change to your bladder or bowels or any weakness, numbness or tingling, it is essential to speak to a doctor urgently.
Most sprains and strains and joint pains are best treated with regular painkillers which are available over the counter and physiotherapy exercises. Regular paracetamol and ibuprofen (provided that this does not cause stomach upset or breathing problems) are useful initial painkillers for most bone and joint pains.
Physiotherapy exercises should be completed 2-3 times daily and can easily be accessed via Physioadvisor which also has a free smartphone app -
The NHS MSK Physio Help App is also available free on the iTunes store:
NHS MSK iPhone App NHS MSK Android App
The NHS inform Physiotherapy website is available here:
Printable exercise advice leaflets are available via the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists at the link below.
Exercise Advice Leaflets
Foot pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Knee pain, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Tennis Elbow, Back Pain, Achilles Tendinitis
Self-referral to physiotherapy is available without needing to see a GP via the printable self referral form below. These can be handed in at any of the Glasgow hospitals including the RAH, or at the new Renfrew Health Centre
Vertigo Exercises
Many causes of vertigo type symptoms are simply a viral infection and can be improved using Brandt-Darroff exercises. For further information regarding this please see the leaflet below.
Brandt-Darroff Exercises
Pain Education Sessions
There are free pain education sessions available through the NHS for anyone who has had pain for longer than 12 weeks. These can give you a better understanding of your pain and how to manage your condition more effectively in the long term. They are run by a trainer who has chronic pain themselves, a volunteer, and a small group of patients are present.
To book them, call 0300 323 9966 or text 07548 229 958 (for a call back).